On September 29, the BEYOND H2020 Project led the “ Data and Intelligence sharing for transforming buildings into active nodes in the future energy system “workshop which took place in the context of the Sustainable Places 2021.
Buildings of all types are a major contributor to global energy usage, driving much discussion on how to be decarbonized. At the same time, buildings produce large datasets providing significant opportunities for more efficient performance monitoring and optimization by enabling better understanding and offering further insights on all aspects affecting their operation through Big Energy Data Analytics. Actually, the real value of big data produced by buildings is hidden in their sharing with all energy market actors whose operations are directly or indirectly linked to the energy performance of buildings, spanning ESCOs, City Authorities, the Construction Industry, Network Operators, Energy Retailers and Aggregators, among others.
Having in mind to trigger a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of the integration of buildings into energy system, BEYOND project, through its coordination leader UBITECH, has organized a workshop inviting seven EU-funded projects domOS, RES4BUILD, RESCOOP VPP,BIGG, MATRYCS, MERLON, and BuiltHub working in the intersection of Big Data, data analytics, data sharing and energy performance of buildings to present advanced concepts, technologies, and innovative results they have achieved.

From the BEYOND, Tasos Tsitsanis (Suite5) and John Avramidis (UBITECH) talked about the digital approaches towards the integration of the building data value chain and the introduction of new data-driven business models for the building sector that have the potency to transform the energy value chain as we know it. All presentations, and round table, coordinated by Eleni Tsironi (UBITECH), facilitated the sharing of know-how by providing recommendations related to energy services to promote to the different stakeholders.